Writer's Workshop

Our 2-F writers continue to impress me daily with their amazing work! We recently completed our very first personal narrative piece and they all did such a great job with each step of the Writing Process.

All of the students take such pride in their writing and I could not be more proud of the progress they are making, as well as the stories they are telling. I have learned so much more about my students through their personal narratives and one of my favorite parts of the Writing Process is getting to conference with them to hear all about their writing.

Our first personal narrative piece was centered around the topic of 'My Special Place' and our next piece (which will be published this week!) is based on 'My Special Day'. I feel so fortunate to be able to get a glimpse into the many special adventures, stories and memories of my students. I even got to share my own personal narratives with them, which I think they enjoyed- sometimes I think they forget I was once 8 years old too! : )

Second Grade Common Core Standards:
W.2.3 Writes narratives to recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, in which they include details, transition words, and a sense of closure.
W.2.5 With guidance and support, focuses on a topic and strengthens writing as needed by revising and editing.

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