Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi 2-F Families,

Happy Thanksgiving! (I know I'm a day late, but in my defense, we did do all of the cooking/cleanup yesterday so we were quite busy. : ) I hope you all had a wonderful day filled with lots of fun, family time and delicious food.

As I reflected yesterday on all of the things for which I am most thankful for, being a member of the Fuller Meadow school community ranked very high on that list. I cannot thank you all enough for welcoming me with such open arms and for helping me to feel like I've been here for years. I am consistently filled with gratitude to be able to do a job I love and to work with such amazing children each and every day, as well as their incredibly wonderful families.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all that you do! : )

*This past week, we got creative (and silly!) with our persuasive writing and got to take on our decorated turkey's personna to try and encourage people to eat something else for Thanksgiving dinner! Check out our awesome Chatterpix project by clicking on the link below.

*One last note- thank you all SO much for your non-perishable food donations. We collected a grand total of 1,004.59 ounces (62.786875 pounds) of food. The students were so excited to make such a large donation and to give back to the Middleton community. Thank you again!

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