November Food Drive

Throughout the month of November, 2nd graders at Fuller Meadow School are collecting non-perishable food items for our November Food Drive. This important community service project also correlates with our monthly calendar graphing activity.

The concepts and skills that we have been focusing on this month are collecting and recording data, reading and interpreting data on a bar graph, sorting and classifying a collection, and comparing and weighing using pounds and ounces.

While I am so impressed by how well they are applying their newly acquired math knowledge each day, I am MOST proud of how committed/dedicated they are to giving back to the Middleton community and how excited they are about being able to donate food to those in need. Our 2-F students have such wonderful, generous, and kind hearts and I am so happy to be able to share in this special initiative with them. : )

*One of our favorite parts of the Food Drive so far, has been totaling up all of our donations each week. As of November 12th, we had collected 576.94 ounces (36.05875 pounds) of non-perishable food! We've since collected many more items, so stay tuned for our next ounces/pounds update! : )

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