North Shore Toy Drive Radio Broadcast

Hi 2-F Families,

I hope this post finds you well. I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to sit down with many of you earlier this afternoon for conferences and I look forward to seeing many more of you tomorrow afternoon.

As you probably already know, our class was one of three 2nd grade rooms chosen to sing on the radio at the North Shore Toy Drive being held tomorrow (Dec. 10th) at The Flint Library. As you can imagine, our reaction to hearing such exciting news from Mrs. Alvarado was comparable to winning the mega millions! ; )

2nd graders from Fuller Meadow, along with the Howe-Manning chorus will be singing from 9:00-10:00 a.m. While we would love for you to join us at the library, we understand that the timing may make it difficult to attend. Either way, I wanted to be sure to send out the link, so that you can tune in from wherever you are to hear our wonderful singing. You can listen to the 104.9 live broadcast by visiting and clicking on 'Listen Live' at the top of the page.

Thanks so much for reading, please be sure to congratulate our students on this very special selection and accomplishment. As Mrs. Alvarado pointed out during rehearsal this morning, not many 2nd graders can say they have sung on the radio! : )

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