Writing was always my favorite subject growing up and although I've made the jump from 'student' to 'teacher', my love of writing hasn't changed a bit. Writing allows students to showcase their fabulous imaginations, demonstrate and share their creativity, as well as express themselves through their written output. With my current superstars, we do a lot of prompt writing to get our wonderful brains thinking about a particular topic, subject, idea, etc. I've also found that I can seamlessly incorporate the mechanics of writing [like capitalization and punctuation] when they are excited about what they're working on.
Our latest prompt, found us living inside a snow globe...and with the wintery weather we've been experiencing here in Massachusetts, it wasn't that much of a stretch! : )
*My students also requested that I record my own clip for our video- so with their help and guidance on what I should say, I joined in on the fun! Thank you so much to Mrs. Baker for recording us! : )

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