March Madness: Tournament of Books

Here in 2-F, we are ready to dive into the month of March by kicking off our March Madness: Tournament of Books! Similar to the college basketball brackets, our book bracket will eliminate books each week until there is just one book left standing as the 2016 Book of the Year

Fuller Meadow teachers and students in Kindergarten through Grade Two will vote each week based on the book match-ups and weekly ballots will be collected and tallied. Based on the results, the winning books will advance to the next round and will move across the hallway bracket display. New ballots will be created and the process will repeat itself each week during the month of March. We are really looking forward to hosting this exciting school-wide reading initiative!

If your family would like a blank copy of the bracket to complete at home, please be sure to send me an e-mail or note and I am more than happy to send one home in your child's blue folder. Thank you so much for stopping by to visit and read our blog. HAPPY MARCH MADNESS! : )


Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of our wonderful 2-F families! I am so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing children every day and this teachers heart is definitely very full. I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day, as well as a restful and enjoyable February vacation. Please click on the link below to watch our special Valentine's Day video. : )

I also want to extend a huge THANK YOU to our fabulous Valentine's Day Party Room Parents, Ms. Gibeau (Madison's mom), Mrs. Karas (Danny's mom) and Mrs. Clapp (Elise's mom) for making our class party so special. Ms. Gibeau did an amazing job capturing so many fun times from our celebration (please see the photos below : )


Writer's Workshop: Peer Editing

This afternoon we were able to dedicate a portion of Writer's Workshop to Peer Editing. During this time, the students had an opportunity to work with a fellow classmate on their persuasive writing draft. While we have been working all year long on the editing and revising writing stage, we really got a chance to look closely and talk about what it means to be a great peer editor. : )

I was so impressed by how well they worked together, not only to make the necessary edits (see the symbols in the photo below : ) but also by how helpful they were with their comments, questions, and suggestions. They definitely took this new role (and their red pens!) very seriously and in turn I saw some of the best editing I've seen all year. I couldn't be more proud of our incredible writers...keep up the great work!


STEM Challenge: Egg Drop

Our fabulous 2-F STEM students were at it again this afternoon with our latest challenge, The Egg Drop. Just as its name suggests, our students were in fact dropping real eggs onto the classroom floor, from 150 centimeters (1 1/2 meters) high! However, unlike my initial demonstration where I simply picked up an egg and dropped it on the ground (see the photo below : ) our rock-star engineers were able to design their own contraption to get their egg safely to the ground.

Side note: *I LOVE that we were able to incorporate our newest math lesson material on metric measurement into this challenge!*

This challenge was absolutely amazing and the students did an incredible job - I don't think I've ever seen such sheer excitement and engagement. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Baker for capturing so many special moments from today's challenge on video! Please be sure to check it out below. Thanks so much for visiting our blog! : )

2-F Egg Drop Challenge from Emily Frey on Vimeo.
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