Celebrating Hanukkah with Mrs. Karas!

This week, we had a VERY special visitor come in to teach us all about Hanukkah. Mrs. Karas (Danny's mom) came in on Thursday afternoon to help us learn about Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights. : )

Mrs. Karas shared with us the history of Hanukkah and talked about many of the special traditions that are commonly celebrated during this wonderful holiday. We were able to look at many beautiful menorahs and learn all about the significance of the candles/lights. After listening to a terrific read-aloud, we also got to play the Dreidel Game in small groups. We learned what each side of the dreidel means (GIMEL, NUN, SHIN and HAY) and even got to play a round using math manipulative coins.

Thank you SO much to Mrs. Karas for spending this special time with us! : )

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